Spring migrants

tiny traveller

chirping hellos from treetops

birder’s delight

Spring migrants are truly a birder’s delight. I’m totally addicted to the “Merlin” app – which has a feature in which it can listen to birds and provide you a best guess for identification based on vocalizations. Warblers and many other small migrant songbirds can be difficult to identify, but they do sing a lot! So I find the Merlin app incredibly helpful. I can sit on my front deck early in the morning, coffee and app in hand, and take in the bird life surrounding me.

One species I love to see and hear is the Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, illustrated above. These tiny birds flit about the hedges and thickets around my yard. They are stopping over at my place these days, on their way further north. The males have a striking red tuft that emerges when they are excited.

© Christopher M Buddle 2024

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