
night during day

a great celestial pause

the light returns

I know I usually post Mondays, but I decided to wait and honour the eclipse from yesterday. It was a truly rare and spectacular event, and Montreal (at least the southern part of the city) was in the path of totality (we experienced about a minute and half of the full eclipse). And the weather was perfect.

The experience was incredible, Nighttime during daytime. A noticeable temperature drop. A mix of people hushed and people clapping and shouting in glee.

Life is busy, people are overwhelmed, stressed, and society at large is in a rough patch. So, taking a pause during the eclipse, and bathing in awe and wonder, was needed, valued, and valuable. We stood together, as a community.

The next full eclipse in my part of the world will be long after I’ve returned to stardust.

So it goes.

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