Cradle Mountain

mountain emerges

under the southern cross

a forever place

This watercolour is very small in size, as can be seen by the paper’s patterning. It did not reproduce well online and I could not scan it again since the original was sent to my friend earlier this year!

Notes: A while back a friend* of mine send me a photo of Cradle Mountain, in Tasmania. He had visited there during a trip last year. I had asked my friend about whether he visited any locations on that voyage that were places he could imagine living forever. He described the bucolic setting within “The Promised Land” – looking across pastures to Cradle mountain. Peaceful, beautiful, calm.

He sent me a photo of the view from his lodging and my artwork above was my attempt to recreate it. It’s sometimes interesting to try to capture a location or landscape for which there is no personal reference point. Because I have never been to Tasmania, I simply cannot base the artwork on anything other than the reference photo.

Someday I would like to visit the pasture that is nestled up against Cradle Mountain. Maybe it is indeed a forever place, or the promised land**. I guess even if I don’t visit it, I can close my eyes and take myself there. Feeling the softness of a light summer breeze, the gentle rustling of leaves on a nearby tree, and birdsong in the distance.

The power of the human mind is imagination.

*I met my friend only once, briefly, at an event in Montreal. We hit it off tremendously well in less than an hour we spent together. We have, in the two(+) years since then, become penpals. That is pretty special, and my life is richer for this friendship.

**while I realize this is a biblical reference, I am really referring to this in a spiritual rather than religious sense. Speaking of religion, this post is on a Tuesday since this past weekend was the Easter weekend.

© Christopher M Buddle 2024

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