end of the line

a town connected

fresh air welcomes commuters

autumn colours

I live in a small town, and it’s at the end of the commuter train line. It’s a quiet, lovely village with lots of character, strong sense of community, and isolated enough from the city that it feels special. It’s a country place, surrounded by agricultural fields and forests. Each morning I hop on the train with a group of commuters and school kids and we travel just over an hour into the heart of a large city. At the end of the day we return, tired, weary. But stepping off the train and breathing in the fresh air reminds us all why we love to live in the town. It’s especially nice this time of year with the fall foliage – bathing the world in reds, oranges, and yellows.

Being at the end of the train line is a good place to be.

Note: I realize this post is coming out on a Tuesday – oh my! Yesterday was a holiday here in Canada, our thanksgiving long weekend. So, you get this post today instead.

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