

mountain, poutine, summer Jazz

– an island city

While I have lots of content to share after my trip to the desert, I thought instead to share some art and thoughts about one of the best cities in the world: Montreal! While I do not live right in the heart of the city, I do commute in and work in the urban center on a daily basis. It’s a place that always buzzes with activity. It has incredible restaurants, music, and is indeed a city of festivals (notably in the summer season). It has unique and fascinating geography too – with Mont Royal rising up next to the skyscrapers, and the city is surrounded by water. It is a city of contrasts – greenery on the mountain contrasted by the business sector and industrial regions. The vibrant and high density Plateau borough contrasted by the low-density and highly treed west island. An international city with a decidedly Quebec character. Poutine contrasted with fine dining. I love the place and if you haven’t visited, you must do so.

Montreal has a distinctive city-scape which is fun to try to capture with watercolours. The first image is a view from the water (drawn from a reference photo), and the second is the view from the Mountain towards the south shore. If you want me to create, for you, a watercolour of this city, don’t hesitate to contact me and we can discuss! (although the two pictured above are not in my possessions -they were gifted to friends and family)

© Christopher M Buddle 2023

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