
Stunning senescence.

Cacophony of colour.

Falling to winter.

Notes: I live near Montreal, and our autumn tree colours are simply incredible – probably close the best you can find anywhere in the world. This is thanks to a high tree diversity (compared to, for example, more western or northern realms), and the fact that sugar maples* are common here (including in my front yard!). Autumn is a bittersweet season and I always have mixed feelings about October. In some ways it is my favourite season – the bright yellows and reds, stunning autumn sky, and the crisp and refreshing air. But at the same time, the shorter days and frosty nights are a reminder that winter is approaching. I also enjoy winter, but I do find the loss of daylight sometimes difficult and until snow arrives, the late autumn days can be gloomy and grey. For today, I shall enjoy the stunning senescence, and I hope you do too.

*both of the watercolours shared today are meant to depict sugar maples. I was struggling with which of the two I wanted to post. Since I couldn’t decide, I opted for both. And, as is common for me, these were done in a small watercolour album while sitting on my commuter train, looking out the window at the trees.


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