Wasp Season

Yellow and black 

    …with stingy-thing

– shared love of late-summer fruit.

A yellowjacket wasp, an insect we love to hate. [Art by CM Buddle]

Notes: A lot of people dislike yellow jacket wasps, in part because when they forage in greater numbers, in late summer, they often bother us when we have picnics outside, or when we are trying to enjoy an outdoor cocktail party. And, they can sting if they get disturbed or swatted away, and for some members of our population the reaction from the sting can result in anaphylaxis (an allergic reaction), which can be very serious. So, why are these insects such a bother in late summer? Simply put, these foraging wasps seek out many of the same foodstuffs that we enjoy and have at our picnics, especially (for example) fruit and other sugary substances (e.g., soda cans). Also, in late summer, their nests are over-mature (full) so populations are high overall. There is hope for those of you who don’t like wasps since their numbers will dramatically decline as cooler, autumn weather hits. (now, all that being said, I do think wasps can be respected and admired in their own right – whether for their bold looks and vibrant colours, or that they play important roles in ecosystems).

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