Northern Landscape

Lapland longspurs sing brightly

above the Arctic Circle.

Day never ends.

A quick watercolour, done at 66 degrees, Yukon Territory, June 2022 [C.M. Buddle]

Notes: I do field-work semi-regularly in the Arctic, and have been to the Yukon quite a lot. On this trip in June 2022, we were travelling up the Dempster Highway to well above the Arctic circle. It was spectacular, and we found pseudoscorpions and wolf spiders in all the right places. And, the bird life was amazing, of course, including Lapland Longspurs singing right at the border of the Yukon and the Northwest Territory. On the way back south we had three (!!) flat tires, and we had to wait for a while right at the Arctic circle. I used some of that time to do the small watercolour you see above.

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